shop information
milliesmakes <3
- as a small business each item is carefully made by myself therefore, most items will be with you in 10-14 business days unless specified on certain items
- things such as t-shirts take 3-5 weeks as they are made to order to reduce waste
- all items will have at least 48 hour tracked shipping, shipping is priced to cover my fuel and packaging as well as the postage service itself
- I am open to customs and personalised orders just give me a shout
- if anything is broken or missing please contact me within 48 hours of getting your order with your name and order number as well as pictures, unfortunately I can't offer any refunds for 'changed mind'
- full refund - if your item has come damaged and you'd like a full refund I will need to have the item shipped back to me unfortunately as a small business I can't cover this cost of postage
- partial refund - if your item is damaged but you're still willing to keep and use I will need to see in depth pictures of what is damaged and I'll be able to offer some money back or a voucher accordingly
contact me
- [email protected]
- milliemakes_ on instagram
- milliesmakes on tiktok